Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Yes, Its Actually a GunZ Blog ...

Are you looking for a free online game where you can run around, shoot and slash other people? Do you want to test your hand-eye skills against people from all over the world? Then GunZ the Duel is the game for you. Gunz the Duel is a free online game that can be downloaded legally from several site and server locations.

There are several game modes in GunZ the Duel. These game modes include the following: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Gladiator, Team Gladiator, Assassination, Duel, Training and Quest. Deathmatch is exactly like it sounds. It is an all out war where your only ally is yourself. You slash and shoot your way to the top player in that match by killing as much as you can and dying as little as possible. Team Deathmatch is similar to Deathmatch, except you have a team. Whether on red team or blue team, your task is to work together with your teammates, and kill every player on the opposing team. Gladiator and Team Gladiator are somewhat like Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch except you cannot use both ranged weapons and melee weapons. In these modes, all you are given is swords. You have to slash your way to the top, getting the best score you can. There is also another team based game mode in GunZ the Duel called Assassination. In this mode, each team has a VIP that must be protected in order for your team to survive. However, the same goes for the opposing team. This means you must kill the opposing teams VIP in order for your team to win.

Dueling in GunZ the Duel is by far the biggest and most challenging game mode. It is the place to show off your solo skills. Through 1v1, it is simply you and the enemy. If you win your match, you then face off against the next player in line. If you lose, you go to the “end of the line” and wait for your turn again. Training is best for practicing moves or just relaxing. If you’re not up for fighting intense battles, yet you want to still play, just make or join a training game. If you have three friends that want to quest with you, the Quest mode is always fun. You can take down goblins, skeletons, lizards. If that isn’t good enough, you can even fight the strong and challenging bosses.

GunZ the Duel overall is a fun game. I personally have a level 64, 43, 36, and 21. There aren’t many players that reach level 64, so being such a high level, makes the game even more pleasurable. To be honest, it’s enjoyable for me to kill enemies and then taunt them. If you get better, I’m sure you will get this satisfaction too.
Play GunZ the Duel NOW! READY? LETS FIGHT!


Brian Gomes said...

lol Gunz is lame bahahahahahahah jks its ok......

Nice naveen way to be the last person to post lol

Naveen said...


Steve Taylor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steve Taylor said...

Naveen is a girl's name.

Joshua Veira (the other joshua) said...

I haven't played gunz in a while. You wanna know why? because the government is watching us through this game and perform experiments on hypnotism. FIGHT THE POWER!!!

Brian Gomes said...

Josh i think u have some kind of mental illness talk to a doctor man it could be serious ;)

winni3 said...

go to www.gunzsoilderfrontandrunescapeguide.blogspot.com/ if you want more help

Anonymous said...

Nice videos about gunz

